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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Are We Close To The Final Armageddon?

Now-a-days, the so called Super Power "USA" is advancing day by day in its "War on Terror". How it all begins is we all know; after Sept 11, 2001 plane attacks. We might think of it as a tragedy, but only for a while because of the facts revealed through the time.

Did we ask ourselves for the purpose and people behind it. For sure, majority will answer "YES". But, are the facts we know true? I think "NO"

because to me they are just spoon fed to us by the biased media. If we go through the original facts by learning them from books, scriptures and analysis of opposite media, we might came across the crude facts.

Going through Quranic & Biblical references of Gog & Magog (Yajuj & Majuj), Dajjal, The Final Armageddon and the Day of Judgement,

surely a person will come across very strange & hidden facts. Following are the questions you might not have asked yourself for ages  and which might help you thinking in a better way:

Q1: Who are Gog & Magog? Do they exist and where they are?

Q2: Who is Dajjal and has he reached us? Where would he come from?

Q3: What is Solomon's Temple? Where it is and to whom it belongs & why?

Q4: Why Jerusalem is equally important to Muslims, Christians and Jews?


Q5: Who are "Free Masons" and from where they originated?

Q6: What is Annuit Coeptis, Novus Ordo Seclorum and Eye of Providence? Why they are printed on a "Dollar" note?

Q7: Why "Muslim Fiero" is building up in Muslim States all over the world?

Q8: Why it all started with 9/11 and why "Jewish Employees" were absent at that time"?

Q9: Did you ever tried writing Q33NY on Wordpad or MS Word with "Wingdings" font?

Q10: When would Jesus (P.B.U.H) come? Are we close to the Final Armageddon?

Surely, these questions will knock your brain and you would not remain unanswered for the rest of your life.

Expressions are More Than Words...

Traveling through life & times everybody came across a situation where Expressions are more than Words...

Usually people who fell in love with someone, may came across a situation where without saying a word they communicate with each other for hours. Is it a new way of communicating or its just an illusion expressed???

What is it? Take a look around you and you'll be noticing many people doing the same. Its a feeling when eyes becomes transmitters, our hearts become source of production and our faces becomes the object of projection.

Sometimes SAD, sometimes HAPPY, sometimes JOYOUS, sometimes ROMANTIC and sometimes a projection of anger.

Sometimes looking at the picture of beloved ones tears fell from our eyes, remembering the days of joy & happiness. Sometimes running through sad times, remembering someone close to heart gives strength.

Children without having a word with their mothers, communicate their needs & wants. We in our hard times, pray to GOD silently, sometimes asking forgiveness and sometimes asking for a blessing. Sometimes people don't tell anybody their tensions, but still people close to their heart, understand them.

A smile on a Mother's Face looking at her children succeed in a task has many things to say. Tears flowing from somebody's eyes looking at the cold body of beloved one has many things to ask.

 That is all where Expressions are more than Words....

PAKISTAN - A Motherland OR Just a Land

14 August 1947 - The Day we got our Name, Our Pride, Our True Identity and Our Motherland...Our Very Dearest Pakistan. Days passed, months passed, years passed, time flew away and we are here in 21st century with once again another new identity or I should say a new face. Could we say it a Motherland or its just a land?

The way to our pride & freedom goes through many sacrifices, lives, blood and ruthless migration. This journey led us to a place where we suppose to enjoy the freedom of our own choice. My questions is "Did We Enjoyed That Freedom?"

I know some would answer yes and I know in some sort its YES. But, to me the truth is that the thing we call freedom is actually end of respect for our cultural & religious values. FREEDOM is that we are spreeing in night clubs, FREEDOM is that we are dating with girls / boys, FREEDOM is that we are showing vulgarity on our Television Shows, FREEDOM is that we are forgetting our Culture and copying west, FREEDOM is we have disgraced our values just to look like modern, FREEDOM is we are sleeping in dead dreams & letting our politicians eat us, FREEDOM is giving them (politician & corrupt people) rite to sell us, FREEDOM is in making this pride land a filthy shit.....

Thats all what we now-a-days call FREEDOM for which I guess our fore-fathers sacrificed their lands, families, people and everthing. Our swere negligences made us gone through this crucial and hard times, because we have not responded to corruption, terrorism, deciets, frauds, sodomy, vulgarity and bad things happening in our dearland for so long.

Today everyone is in a race to reach abroad, settle his / her life there to succeed in life. But, to me no-one in this world will ever succeed loosing his / her identity... and our true identity is our dearland Pakistan, its culture an its values. I would like to raise a question to all that "Do anyone of us would ever leave his / her mother dying?" The answer from many would be "NO", but still we are doing this with our Dear Motherland - Pakistan.

Everyone has the rite to struggle for success in life, but loosing our identity will never give us rise. Why AMERICANS remains AMERICANS, Why BRITISH remains BRITISH, Why GERMANS remains GERMANS, Why JAPANESE remains JAPANESE, Why CHINESE remains CHINESE, Why INDIANS remains INDIANS and Why PAKIS don't remains PAKIS.

All other nationalists do go abroad to achieve success in life, but they also do care for their land, people, culture and values.

The Message is Clear & Loud - Don't Loose Your Identity, Don't Forget Your Culture and Wake-Up for Your Values!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Is It That - What It Should Be??? (Part-04)

In a tired, confused and exhausted state of mind, I'm unspoken for about last one month. Like other people in our nation, I have also gone through severe challenges of life.

Shouldn't we ask ourselves that is it what freedom called? Is it what we deserve in life? Is it what we should do to live our lives? Do we know the answers...... Do We?

Please don't just sit back and leave it to others to make our lives better. You... Yourself are the power to lead your life and it depends on you whether to turn your life to hell or to heaven.

Lets start addressing the issues that lead us to the times of crises, severe disturbances and are unanswered since our inception.

1 - Quaid-e-Azam died in ruthless situation;
                                                  Nation Sleeping Dead!

2 - Liaquat Ali Khan martyred ruthlessly;
                                                  Nation Sleeping Dead!

3 - Pakistan went into severe leadership crises;
                                                  Nation Sleeping Dead!

4 - Fatima Jinnah died in poor conditions;
                                                  Nation Sleeping Dead! 
5 - Democracy has been sabotaged and first Marshal Law imposed on us;
                                     Nation Sleeping Dead!

6 - Once again a leader sabotaged & marshal law imposed;
                                      Nation Sleeping Dead!

7 - Talibanisation, Afghan Insurgency and Ojri Camp Incident;
                                       Nation Sleeping Dead!

Going through tides of times, we faced another democratic government being hijacked by our so-called powerful & mindful army and bloody political issues. Nation still sleeping dead and welcoming the new marshal law with open arms.

8 - Petrol prices jumps upto 10 - 20 PKR / Ltr;
                                           Nation Sleeping Dead!

9 - Food items gone through another price hike & sugar was out;
         Nation Sleeping Dead!

10 - Air Bases Sold to Aliens (Americans); 
                                                           Nation Sleeping Dead!

11 - Drones were gifted and forced to be a part of our daily routine life;
                                                          Nation Sleeping Dead!

12 - Government institutions sold to Multinationals;
                                                          Nation Sleeping Dead!

13 - Internal clashes between Judiciary and Police;
                                                          Nation Sleeping Dead!

14 - Media was boosted and then get sabotaged by the same people;
                                                            Nation Sleeping Dead!

15 - Expatriated leaders were tried to assassinate;
                                                            Nation Sleeping Dead!

16 - Once again a leader was assassinated for her sincerity;                                          Nation Sleeping Dead!

17 - Our intellectuals been put behind the bars;
                                                            Nation Sleeping Dead!

18 - Our people been sold to Aliens (America) in a deal;
                 Nation Sleeping Dead!

19 - A man with notorious history becomes our president;
                 Nation Sleeping Dead!

20 - Our motherland being torn into pieces;
                                                                                 Nation Sleeping Dead!

21 - Nation going through worst of everything;
                                                                           We Are Still Sleeping Dead!

And to top-up with a cherry on ice, we are gifted with another surprise; A prime minister with Golden Achievements especially his efforts & achievements in Electricity Supply Concern for which he has been awarded with an honorary name "THE RAJA RENTAL".

Couldn't we wake up to all these issues? Why don't we damn care about our own rights? Why don't we damn care about our motherland (Pakistan)? OR

Sorry, should I say that we have already woke up. Woke up to burn our own properties and assets... just to show that we are protesting & opposing what is going on wrong. Woke up to demolish or devastate every single part of our path to progress & success...... just to show that we are against the wrongful activities which are done by the governments. Is it going to help us getting our rights back? - OR - Is it going to make our situation better?

! God Knows Better !

Lastly an Advice - "Just Wake Up from the Dead Sleep & Everything Else Will Automatically be Better".