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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Are We Close To The Final Armageddon?

Now-a-days, the so called Super Power "USA" is advancing day by day in its "War on Terror". How it all begins is we all know; after Sept 11, 2001 plane attacks. We might think of it as a tragedy, but only for a while because of the facts revealed through the time.

Did we ask ourselves for the purpose and people behind it. For sure, majority will answer "YES". But, are the facts we know true? I think "NO"

because to me they are just spoon fed to us by the biased media. If we go through the original facts by learning them from books, scriptures and analysis of opposite media, we might came across the crude facts.

Going through Quranic & Biblical references of Gog & Magog (Yajuj & Majuj), Dajjal, The Final Armageddon and the Day of Judgement,

surely a person will come across very strange & hidden facts. Following are the questions you might not have asked yourself for ages  and which might help you thinking in a better way:

Q1: Who are Gog & Magog? Do they exist and where they are?

Q2: Who is Dajjal and has he reached us? Where would he come from?

Q3: What is Solomon's Temple? Where it is and to whom it belongs & why?

Q4: Why Jerusalem is equally important to Muslims, Christians and Jews?


Q5: Who are "Free Masons" and from where they originated?

Q6: What is Annuit Coeptis, Novus Ordo Seclorum and Eye of Providence? Why they are printed on a "Dollar" note?

Q7: Why "Muslim Fiero" is building up in Muslim States all over the world?

Q8: Why it all started with 9/11 and why "Jewish Employees" were absent at that time"?

Q9: Did you ever tried writing Q33NY on Wordpad or MS Word with "Wingdings" font?

Q10: When would Jesus (P.B.U.H) come? Are we close to the Final Armageddon?

Surely, these questions will knock your brain and you would not remain unanswered for the rest of your life.

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