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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Unity | Question Mark or Exclamation

Time travels real fast... Isn't? Its like we are riding on a Ferrari or might be a speed boat or it might be a supersonic jet. Am I right?

I'm just saying whatever comes in my mind regardless of what it matters to somebody looking at the TITLE. Funny Isn't? Do I seem to be looking mad or out of my senses? Isn't true? My out of context beginning may brings out a need of laughter for you. Please don't hesitate, please keep going on laughing at me or just declare me mentally retarded or a senseless bully.

Because, I lost my senses, I'm gone out of my mind and I'm just about to loose my faith on humanity & freedom of living. I feel ashamed looking at the ruined bodies of my mothers, sisters, brothers and their lands. Did we just proved to the world that we are divided or to correct myself "We Are Dead"?

World Trade Center 9/11
WTC Incident
Its just a matter of past some years that we have seen World Trade Center incident, which took many lives away. We have also seen the reaction of people and their leaders to it. How problems were cast to breach humanity and a battle was started to end the projected terrorism from the world. The world started to appreciate the battle, keeping a faith that justice has been done to humanity & peace.

9/11 The Fact
The Hidden Truth
Blood For Oil
Drilling Oil or Dripping Blood
Is it done? Am I Correct? OR Am I Just Being So Rude? The so called supporters of "Freedom of Living" and "War on Terror" has showed off to the world their efforts. Showing off their interference in Iraq, Afghanistan and other states of the world as a fight for freedom of living. "Freedom of Living" or "Freedom of Exploiting Sovereignty"? We should've gone through the crude facts or either look for the other side of the picture. Shouldn't we? Oil Reserves, Geographically Strategic Location, Finding, Following and getting their own Interest. Could these elements be a motive behind all these activities. Think on it overnight, let these questions be answered, speak to yourself just this once, find the facts and you would be seeing another reality.

Silence Please
The supposedly war on terror gifted us drone attacks, cultural rights violation, political interferences and enemy slave weak governments. We have wept over the blood of our beloveds, we have lost our rights, our culture has been abducted by our enemies and what we have done... We have just welcomed with open arms to let them ruin our opportunities
      and make a fool out of us.

The 9/11 Comparison
The 9/11 Comparison
Many of us might be defending and advocating these activities of our enemies as a step of modern & liberal state development. But, could they please open their eyes to see bloodshed of our innocent people, to see our brotherhood being ruined, to see the severe economic crisis we are facing right now and to analyze the epic misunderstanding of considering their (enemies) aids as a support to dunk the crisis.

Few questions need to be answered at urgent:
- What is the meaning of word "Taliban"?
- What is the difference between words "Taliban" & "Terrorist"?
- Who are Taliban and who planted them?
- How did "Yvonne Ridley" embraced Islam?
- How much bombing, USA has done on Afghanistan?
- Do you think "Osama Bin Laden" would've survived those
  bombings to escape to Pakistan?
- What is the difference between "George W. Bush", "Hitler",
  "Raymond  Davis", "Osama Bin Laden", "Menachim Begin",
  "Aimal Kansi", "Dr. Afia Siddiqui" and"Pastor Terry Jones"?
- Why US Forces took sudden interest in removing terrorism from
  the world, especially in Muslim Countries, specifically for
  middle eastern countries?
- Are the other parts of the world free from terrorism or are
  they less important?
- Why "Peace Claiming Bodies" of the world are trying to force
  down the nuclear projects of the other countries? Did they
  seized  their one's?
- Who backed and supplied firearms & Chemical weapons to Iraq
  in Gulf War?
- Why is America still be friends with Israel, when Israel is
  already violating Human Rights?
- Is that fight for our betterment or is it just just for
  their own interests?
Answer these questions just to yourself only, hammer your head to burst your thoughts out and please do some fact finding.

United We Are United We Stand
Humanity will survive only if we become united, preaching love, peace and not war. Didn't it feels like this war is imposed on us for someone's interests. Interests to impose their own policies/constitutions/standards. Interests to force their own supremacy. God has made us the most intelligent superior being and what has we done to us. We are just going with the wind like an object without knowing where would it take us. Please stop doing it, wake up and light up your mind. Do something for yourself, your beloved and for humanity. Differentiation and discrimination will nuke humanity. We have only one foremost culture i.e. love, peace & unity. Many parts of the world needs to be refreshed with this culture and the claimants of this task are quiet, unspoken, asleep, actually dead especially in case of Gaza crises.
The Reality of War on Terror
Israel is continuously striking on the pact of peace & humanity. The supposedly powers of world or international claimants of peace movements (USA, UK & Others) are dead, watching the show of Palestine's destruction and abduction. Abduction of their right of freedom and right to live destroying their sovereignty by this inhumane / illegal occupation. Why isn't there any interference from peace claiming bodies/powers/authorities? Is it justifiable that people of Palestine were being killed mercilessly? Aren't they humans or are their lives too less important than the people died in World Trade Center or are they like some useless object to be thrown away? It seems like the supposedly powers are weak and inhumane to work for peace. Their claim is hopeless, meaningless and fake. They are fooling us from a long time, playing with our minds and now its about time to gather around to defend our right to live.
The Real Face
Recently, we have seen Shi'ite Killings and many other gruesome incidents happening in Pakistan. Isn't a question mark to authorities and for us. What are we trying to pose to the world? We are different from each others or what? Is it necessary to create a pathetic differentiation or is it compulsory to mix in the cruel system of these peace claiming bodies? Yes we have different faces, different colors, different status, different culture, different nations, different religion and many other things except our eternal fate i.e. "six feet under". All these differentiations that God has made is just for Identification and its us who turned it into a source of discrimination.

Destroying World UnityCome on, don't bully yourself, get yourself out of this creep, work your brains out, produce a solution and save humanity, save the world. Our brothers, sisters and mothers are already waiting for our help in Syria, Palestine, Kashmir, Laos, Burma, North Korea, Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, India, Somalia and in many other places where tyranny of violence is endless. It is not about being Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Buddhist or about a follower of a specific religion...Its about being human.

End ViolenceSorry, if I bothered you around to read this article while you were busy in advocating their (enemies) so called steps of liberation or being played in their hands like toys. The decision is all yours now, either being discriminated / divided / dead or woke up / step forward / stand united and fight against all the culprits of humanity.